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The blood circulating in your body cause pressure in the walls of your blood vessels. When the circulating blood pressure is too high, it is called hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension is a serious medical condition. Unfortunately, many Americans have high blood pressure and are unaware. Knowing your blood pressure is important.
Vaccinations provide immunization against diseases that can cause severe to fatal health results. Vaccinations help the body make antibodies to recognize the disease and allow for a faster response to prevent sickness. Infants, young children, teens, adults, and older adults can be vaccinated for various diseases.
Glucose, also called blood sugar, is your body's source of energy. Glucose is made through the food we eat. Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is too high. Therefore, your body produces insulin in an attempt to control blood sugar. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood that is made by your liver or consumed through food intake. Your body need cholesterol to function but too much cholesterol can be harmful to your body. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL cholesterol, which is bad and can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels, and HDL, which is good.
Cancer is a genetic disease that controls the way our cells grow and divide. Cancer cells and normal cells differ greatly, whereas normal cells mature with specific functions cancer cells grow out of control and become invasive. Cancer screenings can help detect cancer at an early stage and often before symptoms appear. The earlier cancer is detected the potential better the outcome.
According to the World Health Organization, sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. Sexual health is a natural part of life that includes, but not limited to, valuing yourself and your decisions, positive relationships, satisfying sex life, peace of mind, and avoiding sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.
Our emotional, psychological and social well being makes up our mental health. Mental health affects how you think, feel and act. Good mental health is essential to cope with daily stresses and to accomplish personal goals. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence through adulthood.
To ensure a healthy pregnancy begin preparing your body before you become pregnant. Eating healthy, exercising, reducing health risks and regular check-ups increases optimal health. A full term pregnancy last 40 weeks and your body will go through a lot of changes. During that time continue to focus on good health and get prenatal care for a healthy pregnancy. Take a moment to learn more about healthy pregnancy and pre-planning.
Opioids work in the body to tell the brain to reduce the intensity of pain. Opioids are available both legally (prescribed by a licensed medical professional) and illegally. Opioids are very additive and can result in an accidental misuse or overuse. Other pain relief medication options are available and should be considered. If you or anyone you know need help contact 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
Nutrition plays a major role in the healthy development of our immune systems and longevity of our life. Diseases and health problems can be prevented through healthy eating. It is easier than you may think because making small changes can make a big difference to your health. Committing to incorporating one healthy nutritional goal weekly or monthly adds up. Consult with your doctor before making changes.
Tobacco is a plant that contains nicotine, which is an addictive chemical. Tobacco can be smoked, chewed, or sniffed, anyway it is consumed it is harmful to the body. Daily, about 2,000 teens (<18) use their first cigarette adding to the millions who are already daily smokers. Smoking harms not only the person who is smoking but others around them. If you need help to quit contact 1-800-784-8669.
Exercise or physical activity helps with growth and development and reduces poor health and chronic diseases. People who are physically active generally live longer and healthier lives. Exercising does not mean you have to run a marathon or be a professional, but it means doing aerobic activities to build endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Check with your doctor before starting any physical activity.